AT&T Smart City and Communities

Smart City projects can increase citizen satisfaction and economic development, as well as improve safety and sustainability. How? By enabling improvements across key drivers in transit, lighting, parking, security, the environment, and infrastructure.

Citizen satisfaction and safety

Improving the way services are delivered with IoT innovations can help transform cities and enhance citizens’ lives.

Economic development

Data analytics of smart city technology can be leveraged to help better plan urban economics and projected development.


Taking a strategic approach to integrating technologies can help cities reduce energy, waste, and costs, and advance sustainability goals.



The unity of soul and mind is the path to happiness
The unity of soul and mind is so rare that it can literally be sold profitably. All masterpieces of culture and art are the essence of unity.




smart cities, space, science, technology, quantum, government, economics, SDG, municipal services, startups, influencers, brands, pioneers, innovator's dictionary, history, design