Bifurcation is applied to the mathematical study of dynamical systems; a bifurcation occurs when a small smooth change made to a system’s parameter values (the bifurcation parameters) causes a sudden ‘qualitative’ or topological change in its behavior.

Bifurcation is the point or area at which something divides into two branches or parts: the point at which bifurcating occurs. Inflammation may occlude the bifurcation of the trachea.

Bifurcation is also the state of being divided into two branches or parts: the act of bifurcating.

The definition of bifurcate is to split up or to divide into two different parts or branches. When a trail splits into two trails, this is an example of when the trail bifurcates.



Unity of soul and mind making good decisions
The mind has a will but is incapable of controlling external intention. The soul is able to feel its identity with external intention but has no will.
The unity of soul and mind is the path to happiness
The unity of soul and mind is so rare that it can literally be sold profitably. All masterpieces of culture and art are the essence of unity.




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