Tag Archives: dictionary R

Real-time operating system RTOS: designed to guarantee the completion of a task within a certain time constraint. Often used in security systems and in building IoT devices. For example, smart energy meters need to connect to the cloud to transmit usage data, and building security systems need to communicate locally so that the door opens […]

Enterprise IoT (EIoT) refers to all devices that are used in enterprise and business environments, where they are typically part of more advanced automation solutions.

Rails to trails the conversion of a disused railway into a multi-use path. Such trails emerge from the organized transformation of abandoned railroad infrastructure into multifunctional recreational sites for walking, biking, and sometimes horseback riding. Passing through ancient neighborhoods and with attractive facilities along the way, they attract large numbers of visitors. Some of them […]

One that has developed capacities to help absorb future shocks and stresses to its social, economic, and technical systems and infra…

This term defines energy sources that are constantly renewed or replenished and hence are permanently available. Renewables include sunlight