Edge Gateway is the connecting factor between analytical devices and cloud data processing and analysis. A virtual router that connects the external and internal network and offers services such as NAT, firewall, load balancer, and VPN. DHCP allows you to automatically assign IP addresses to virtual servers from predefined ranges.

The Edge gateway is a virtual router that connects the external and internal network and offers services such as NAT, firewall, load balancer, and VPN. DHCP allows you to automatically assign IP addresses to virtual servers from predefined ranges.

“The Internet of Things” is in trend right now. Many reports and presentations are devoted to it. Marketers are predicting significant growth in the adoption of IoT solutions and significant benefits for innovator companies. But it’s not that simple. There are very few successful industrial IoT projects in our reality, and this is largely due to the limitations of the Internet of Things concept itself. The presence of the cloud – as the component in which most of the logic of the IoT system is executed – is not always possible. The arguments against using the cloud, and therefore the classic IoT, vary from scenario to scenario, but most are related in one way or another to two risk categories: cloud availability and security.



Unity of soul and mind making good decisions
The mind has a will but is incapable of controlling external intention. The soul is able to feel its identity with external intention but has no will.
The unity of soul and mind is the path to happiness
The unity of soul and mind is so rare that it can literally be sold profitably. All masterpieces of culture and art are the essence of unity.




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